

Father's Day is celebrated to honor the importance that a father plays in the family as a protector. This day is dedicated to all the fathers and father figures who stand as a pillar for their family members.The importance of a father cannot be neglected or ignored at all. He is like a superhero who is always ready to take on everyday troubles for his children. The significance of a father is beyond words as he is the person who works tirelessly to fulfill the requirements of his family. To honour the contribution of all such fathers and fatherly figures and to celebrate the paternal bonding, a special day is observed every year as Father's Day. All Samites celebrated Father’s Day with great vigor and enthusiasm. Various fun activities were organized at all SKIPS centers to make the day memorable. Children enjoyed making cards for their fathers with special messages. The importance of father child bond was discussed by the teachers. Celebrating family bonds strengthens the emotional skills in young children.It was indeed a memorable day for all our Samites.

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